Passion Projects

Design projects to keep me busy and creatively inspired. Anything from casual profile layouts to digital art.
Adobe Photoshop

Never ending.
Profile pictures and banners for my social pages. The start (possibly never-ending) of my obsession with various aesthetics and design cohesiveness. This project honed my skills in visual elements and layout in general.
Non-professional photoshoot for various occasions, some are for school projects. Photographed by my friends, post-processed by yours truly.
This project developed my skills on applying the traditional concepts of visual art on digital medium.
Purposefully created for my Instagram page. Made in the early days of the pandemic to keep my creative juices flowing.
E-commerce website for an online ukay-ukay store. Final project for my Elective subject, E-commerce.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Various APIs

May 2021 - June 2021

Fullstack Web Developer & UI/UX Designer
Inspired by the mine, steal, grab online ukay culture; Mine Steal Grab! is an online thrift store that offers upcycled apparels to our consumer with low-priced yet high quality items.  Especially catered for the people who love to express themselves thru what they wear at the least possible cost.
Design and prototyping were made thru Figma. The Design inspiration are all based on the visual aesthetics of an ukay-ukay (thrift store).

The main color, neon green, represents the color of the cloth hangers among ukay-ukay. While the carousel type behavior of scrolling through the products are inspired by the manner of scanning through a cloth rack of a thrift store.
The whole site was build through the use of native PHP with the help phpmysqli module for database connectivity. API used are Owl Carousel for the product carousel and DataTables for the Admin page tables. Bootstrap and JQuery frameworks were also utilized for a better frontend functionalities.


Shirt designs for a streetwear brand based in New York City.
Adobe Photoshop

Aug 2020 - Present

Graphic Artist
The project started through the help of Upwork, a platform for freelance artists. The client is looking for someone to create some Streetwear designs similar to Supreme, Off-White, Virgil Abloh, Kanye West, etc. Below are the design inspos sent by the client.
Overall, the main goal of the client is to make shirts that have humor content, but display it in a way that its fashionable & cool to wear as a streetwear brand. I was able to submit designs with several revisions. The following are the designs that made the final cut.
A search engine type website about different famous persons and what they like and dislike.
Wordpress, PHP, MySQL

July 2020 - May 2021

Fullstack Web Developer
The client was introduced to me through a friend of a friend. They are looking for a web developer that knows how to do database management and functionalities.
I was given the task to build the website based on the designs given and also develop the search-engine feature based on the database which I also build. I developed the website through Wordpress while adding self-coded plugins to add the required functionalities.

The client also required to have an admin dashboard where researchers and users can create, read, update, and delete a famous person and their info.

Manila COVID Testing Centers Path Finder

A map router that determines what COVID Testing Center are the nearest and what are the shortest path to get there.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Leaflet API, QGIS

June 2021 - July 2021

Fullstack Web Developer, Geo Developer
This project is the final requirement for our Design and Analysis of Algorithm subject. We were tasked to apply a chosen data algorithm to solve a real world problem.

The algorithm we chose is Dijkstra's algorithm, which solves the shortest path problem. The real world problem we were trying to solve is the access to know what are the nearest COVID testing centers based on a user's location and what is the shortest route to get there.
Nodes and waypoints for the city of Manila are acquired from OpenStreetMap and then converted to GeoJSON through the use of QGIS. The geojson file will then be utilized for the map display and router functionality.

Leaflet API is the map used to the display the city of Manila while a combination of geojson-path-finder API and a self coded JavaScript application of Dijkstra algorithm is used to develop the shortest path finder function. A more in depth system architecture are as follows.